The Singing Technique
The IVA Technique
What is the IVA Technique?
The IVA technique is based on 17th and 18th Century principles of singing developed by the Old Italian School of Singing. Our goal is to train voices to sing in a free and natural manner, smoothly, from the bottom of the range to the top with no breaks or sudden changes in quality. Training in this technique gives the singer access to all dynamics, with tonal clarity and flexibility. Also, training in this technique helps improve a singer’s range, endurance, stamina, breath control, resonance, vocal strength and vocal quality across all styles of music without fatigue or damage to the voice. We accomplish these results by training the singer to find a balance between airflow and intrinsic muscular resistance, all within a resting laryngeal posture.
What is IVA?
IVA (the Institute for Vocal Advancement) is an organisation that offers exceptional vocal education and a certification program for professional singing instructors around the world. IVA educate and produce the finest voice instructors in the world who develop, promote, and maintain the highest standards for the teaching of singing.
Who runs IVA?
IVA was founded by a group of world-class teachers of singing who have over 125 years of combined experience training singers and teachers of singing. The founding members have dedicated themselves to learning the best method for training the voice with a desire to pass this knowledge on to others.
Why use an IVA Certified Instructor?
Every voice is different and IVA Instructors are trained to quickly identify these individual voice tendencies. They are then able to form lesson goals and plans tailored to your individual voice. IVA instructors are part of a global teacher network, they have teacher support and are continually educated to ensure the highest standards of teaching.